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Lynski Report 12 Apr 2011 23:12

Just ordered a copy.
Sounds like a very good read.


Anne Report 12 Apr 2011 14:55

Anyone searching for information about the Holdcroft family who moved from the Staffordshire area to West Yorkshire in the early 1900s should get hold of a recently published book "Ancestors and Angels" by Jane Cramner.
Jane is the great-grand-daughter of George Holdcroft and Mary Buckley (and my second cousin - my grandad Horace and her grandmother Elsie, were brother and sister). Jane's book outlines some of the unusual experiences that happened to her grandmother and family.
It's a good read and I couldn't put it down - I read it in a day! Through it I learned a lot about a branch of the family that I knew very little about as, until recently, I hadn't been in touch with Jane for 35 years! The book can either be ordered from Waterstones or bought through Amazon. "Ancestors and Angels", published 2011 by Ghostwriter publications