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1911 scottish look up please???
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Dawn | Report | 10 Apr 2011 11:39 |
Please can anybody have a look on the above census for my ggrandmother Margaret Heatlie, she was born in 1880 in Kelso Roxborough and she didnt die until 1962 so she has to be there somewhere. Her husband James is at his sisters house in Edinburgh as a visitor but his wife and kids are no where to be seen. Margaret would of been about 31 in 1911 and she had 3 children John aged 7, Elizabeth aged 5 and Margaret aged 2 i cant find any of them. I do have credits for SP but have wasted so many i thought i would ask for another set of eyes to see if it helps. |
Val | Report | 10 Apr 2011 12:40 |
I would put a couple of extra years before 31 as I have found some who put there age younger |
**Liz in Scotland** | Report | 10 Apr 2011 13:17 |
There's also two Margaret's with the spelling of Heatley |