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Chrissie2394 Report 8 Apr 2011 18:12

Apologies if this has been put on here recently.

The price of obtaining copies of wills has gone up to £6.

I visited our local Probate office today and was surprised that I was unable to find any records relating to at least six names I was researching. I then checked one name which I had found on Ancestry and there was no record of this one either.

I questioned a member of staff about it explaining that deatils were on Ancestry but not on their system and he said, "Our systems not infallible". Great.



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Apr 2011 18:16

Thanks for the update about the price rise - nice little earner there!

And you are right about the infallibility - a friend wanted his father's Will. The father died in 1998 - he knew there was one as his brother had discussed Probate and other 'stuff'.

So he filled the form out (before A got it's Calender online) and sent it off with a cheque. Said cheques was cashed but no more was heard.