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Fake Anti-Malware Program - Warning

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InspectorGreenPen Report 6 Apr 2011 09:40

Just been hit today with a fake program called Windows Recovery which is apparently doing the rounds.

I first realised there was a problem when the disk started whirring and icons started to "disappear" from the desk top. Apparently one of the things it does is to go through all the files and folders on your disk and make them hidden, so you think you have lost everything. It installs several files around your computer including c:\documents and settings\all users\application data\18407220.exe which also gets into your startup so it runs again each time you log in.

It can be removed by programs such as Malwarebytes - their instructions are on the following page with screen prints of what the fake program looks like for identification purposes. I must admit that it does look realistic.....!

You will have to set your folder options so that hidden files are shown, and then go through an "unhide" those you want visible, including desktop icons, before resetting the folder option. Not hard to do but all rather a pain.


Suzanne Report 6 Apr 2011 14:17

hi,my daughter has that fake program on her computer,and its a pain to get off,it also told her that she had a trojan and some kind of worm.x


InspectorGreenPen Report 6 Apr 2011 14:35

No idea how it got on. Was just browsing the internet as normal when I noticed a lot of disc activity Malwarebytes did the trick removing it for me.

MGH, Strange about Firefox - I've have been lucky with that, no problems so far. I wonder if it is a plug-in such as java which needs updating? Try looking here - it runs a check and lets you know if you need to update anything.


Mayfield Report 6 Apr 2011 19:46

Thanks for the heads-up Inspector, I will keep on my toes!

Cousin's daughter had her aol mail account attacked two days ago it not only sent mails out to her contacts list but also some people she had mailed who were not even on her list.

If anybody gets it sent to them, the mail gives a link to a site "ladymusic" luckily I ignored it and checked with her before opening the link.



Mary Report 6 Apr 2011 19:58

Someone hijacked my e.mail yesterday,got emails off people I hadn't contacted for age.
They were telling me that I had sent them one but they couldn't open or didn't open the link.

Then I have received E.Mail from Mark and Spencers saying the site they use for customers E.Mail addresses had been hacked into and some stolen,but not to worry as they couldn't get account details.

Not sure as yet if this is what has caused my problem.
Isn't anything safe now a days.

Even if you stay indoors you get problems.
