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Scotland 1911 question.

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FannyByGaslight Report 5 Apr 2011 19:34

I would like to know if anyone has yet found ...Overseas Military...on it,cos I sure cant..Any help to find that category would be really good.
Merchant Shipping and Naval Records are listed so why not Military Overseas?

I have Emailed SP on the matter and await a reply,but in the mean time??




FannyByGaslight Report 5 Apr 2011 20:25

Maybe you are right,but I do hope not as I could not find what I am looking for on it since it came out...

Thank you for the reply.


FannyByGaslight Report 5 Apr 2011 20:34

But it would seem that it may be so unfortunately...

The 1911 census for England & Wales included info on British army battalions stationed abroad, including Scottish regiments.


AmazingGrace08 Report 6 Apr 2011 14:39

Nope, mind you I seem to only be able to find anyone by NOT using the second name option. If I try both I get no luck, If I do it seperately then I do..but I don't know, I seem to have a lot of people missing which is strange as given their marriage and death certs they were still living in the same place,,,


FannyByGaslight Report 6 Apr 2011 17:41

Why on earth they cant put it on FMP if it is the same company running it,or at least make it easier to search like the English one is beyond me...Nowhere to put where born at all and very limited in its search as are all the census on SP...Thank Evans the transcripts of the others are on Anc I say...Not even a transcript of the households on SP...

But their BMD is very good I will say though,beats paying £9,25p a cert and waiting 7 days like English Welsh ones...Unless of course there is no image available..

No reply to my email to them yet..Going to send another one..


Denis Report 7 Apr 2011 11:52

There are a lot of misunderstandings over Scotlandspeople. It is a Government site. Brightsolid, based in Dundee, currently has a contract for three years from September 2010 to provide the technical aspects of the site and nothing more. Interestingly Brightsolid is also part of the consortium which is managing the online aspects of the 2011 Census in Scotland. Apart from all this they also happen to own GR and FMP. They can do what they like with the latter two but ScotlandsPeople is another matter.