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Thomas Lambert/Hannah Yeoman

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Valerie Sylvia

Valerie Sylvia Report 31 Mar 2011 02:16

Hi once again
reference previous message posted 20th March. Have today received marriage cert for the above. I feel certain I am tracing the right family as details in this m.c. all tie in. i.e. age of Thomas, fathers name (james) and occupation. No father for Hannah as she was born out of wedlock. The marriage was in 1879,but Thomas states he was a batchelor, marriage was in Yorkshire. But as I stated previously in the 1871 census Thomas was living with parents also listed was Elizabeth Lambert, daughter in law.
there is a mc for Thomas and Elizabeth in 1871 also death cert for Elizabeth in 1873, cannot trace any children for Thomas and Elizabeth.
On marriage cert to Hannah why does it not state he was a widower?
It must be the right family as the children right through census records
from 1881 to 1901 are correct. 1st child Arthur born 1877 in Yorkshire.
They then moved back to Essex where all other children were born
from 1879 to 1898. 1901 census shows them all back in Yorkshire.
Could the marriage cert stating Thomas as a batchelor and not a
widower just be a mistake? also can anyone tell me how I can find out
why Thomas would go from Essex to Yorkshire to meet and marry
Hannah, I believe travel was not easy in the 1800's and the distance
between Essex and Yorkshire would have been quite a journey.


SylviaInCanada Report 31 Mar 2011 03:58


It might have been better to have added this to your previous thread

as it is ............. then we could easily see what had been posted on that thread!

that would prevent us from dupicating research that has already been done.

As it is, I can see some explanations, but don't know whether they fit what was found!

Do you think you could find your previous thread??

Look in the box headed Tools at the left of your screen. Click on My Thread



SylviaInCanada Report 31 Mar 2011 04:06

On marriage cert to Hannah why does it not state he was a widower?

Because he didn't tell the vicar that. Or he hadn't told anyone else. You did not have to provide any documentation in those days to prove you were or were not a Bachelor.

Could the marriage cert stating Thomas as a batchelor and not a
widower just be a mistake?

see above. Mistake, or deliberate omission on his part.

Or of course, it could be the wrong marriage entirely, but as I can't see the previous research, I can't answer that question.

also can anyone tell me how I can find out
why Thomas would go from Essex to Yorkshire to meet and marry
Hannah, I believe travel was not easy in the 1800's and the distance
between Essex and Yorkshire would have been quite a journey.

You would be amazed at how much travelling around our ancestors did! Mainly to find jobs. But ag labs would move from country to county. There was a lot of construction going on around that time ..... railway and canals.

So, not suprising at all to find ancestors moving great distances.


Valerie Sylvia

Valerie Sylvia Report 31 Mar 2011 10:11

Many thanks Sylvia have now added this to previous thread

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 31 Mar 2011 12:47

Also "daughter in law" could also mean "step daughter" so maybe she wasn't his wife ...

Ditto re travelling around. A lot of my East Enders travelled backwards and forwards from the East End to Birmingham.
