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Gedcoms and very large trees!

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baldeagle Report 24 Mar 2011 12:07

I have just started and my computer skills are naff!! What is a Gedcom? Also someone has kindly let me into their tree but it's massive, I can't find my relative (even though I know it's there) any tips? Finally I am not sure that I have allowed them to see mine, it seems to be saying 'stop', how can I tell? Here is my tip. Don't get old!!!

Best wishes Baldeagle (my son's name for me!)


InspectorGreenPen Report 24 Mar 2011 12:15

Gedcom refers to a type of file format which is used to transfer family tree data between different programs. It has the file extension .ged

Have a look at the thread titled "Gedcom files, a guide to them...." for more information.

As far as looking at other members trees, enter the details for the name you are looking for in the search boxes and select the name from the drop down. Tip is to start with as little info as possible, perhaps the surname only and add extra if you get too many results.


Janet Report 24 Mar 2011 12:25

Hi baldeagle, first of all, your computer skills are not naff, you have managed to write a well presented message, that in itself is a bonus.

If you have allowed access to your tree and you can see the word 'stop' then you have done it correctly. However if you decide at a later stage that you don't want to share your tree, then you click onto 'Stop' . -jle


baldeagle Report 24 Mar 2011 13:52

To Janet and InspectorGreenPen

Thanks a lot both of you! I suddenly feel part of 'the gang'!

Happy hunting. Baldeagle


Janet Report 24 Mar 2011 14:33

Just another thought if you are confronted with a huge tree, I tend to give a list of the connections, which sometimes involves six or seven generations depending how far back the connecting relative appears on your tree.
You could always ask them to name the relatives in order so that you eventually go back to the matching name. -jl


baldeagle Report 24 Mar 2011 16:56

Hi Janet and InspectorGreenPen

I have sent you a message of thanks but I can't see it! Just in case
thanks again!!

Happy hunting Baldeagle


baldeagle Report 24 Mar 2011 19:33

Great Idea Janet! Thanks once again.
