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One name study - anyone involved or used?

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AmazingGrace08 Report 24 Mar 2011 10:24

I am interested in joining the guild for one name studies, but am wondering if anyone has been involved or is working on one or has been in touch with someone participating in a one name study.

I know it will be a fair amount of work but trying to weigh the pros and cons of an undertaking like this..

Interested in feedback or your opinions on this topic.


Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 24 Mar 2011 12:45

I'm a member.

They're a really nice bunch of people - at least all the ones I've come across! You get a quarterly mag and they organise events and seminars etc.

Workload - will vary depending on how rare the name is.

To give you an idea, when I first started I did a quick add-up on the familysearch website. Using the "exact" spelling. There were just under 200 names (if I remember correctly).

I have two lever arch files of paperwork. Every one of them has at least one piece of paper, some have more.

So, I assume 100 names = 1 lever arch file ??

As for workload, it depends really. I find that I tend to contact people with the name in their tree and offer help in exchange for info. Occasionally someone contacts me, but more often than not it's me doing that initial contact.



SpanishEyes Report 24 Mar 2011 17:06

I wish someone would do a one name study for Farady. not Faraday or Farrady just Farady.
This is my fathers' surname he was born in 1912 and apart from finding his parents names we have NEVER moved forward becaus he was left with another family to care for him!! and they called him by totally different name!
So PLEASE will someone do a Name study for FARADY

Good luck AmazingGrace


brummiejan Report 24 Mar 2011 18:10

Bridget, have you tried starting a thread re. this problem? And I would say it's the same name as Farrady!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 24 Mar 2011 20:17

My friend has been a registered member of G.O.O.N.S for many years, although she has now handed over to someone else.

She has literally hundreds of certificates bought in order to sort out the various family groups and has a wealth of knowledge about them.
Because she started out years ago, she has letter files too from people asking about their families.

She is meticulous about cross referencing etc. and source columns so she can instantly find information. She still has an interest although she has handed over the reins.

Not everyone is so thorough and I have had mixed results when I've contacted one name study researchers for other surnames of interest to me.
All have been polite, but I've sometimes been disappointed in their coverage of the name.

Generally though they are a great help, but beware it can get addictive. My friend still buys certificates even though she knows they are not her own family.
As she says , it will fit into the bigger picture somewhere, so there is never money wasted on a 'wrong' certificate.



AmazingGrace08 Report 24 Mar 2011 20:54

Thank you so much for all your comments.

It is an unusual name and so far everyone with it I have been able to connect up back to each other, having said that I can only find about 300 people with that name so far across the world.

You have all inspired me, I'm off to check everything out!