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Disappoited Then Impressed

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GillfromStaffs Report 18 Mar 2011 14:20

I recently found a grand aunt on the 1911 census wrongly transcibed of cause.I have been trying to find a marriage for her and found one in 1915, so decided to ask G R O to do a search for me rather than just get it and take a chance, so over the phone I gave them her birth year (as she was a Vicker in the Salvation Army I didn't think she would be lieing about her age) lol her fathers name and trade and said I didn't want the cert unless it matched all the info.She was born 1889 so she would have been 25/26 in 1915. Her dad was a Potters Figuremaker by trade. So I wait three long weeks and finally it arrives, couldn't believe what I saw the young women was just 20 and her dad was an Architect, I mean whats all that about!!!!!!!!
Any way rang them up and they were great couldn't apologize enough,they are sending me a stamped addressed envalope to send it back and have put the money back on my card today.


brummiejan Report 18 Mar 2011 14:34

Well, that's pretty good really!
Do you want people on here to have a look? If so post the details.


GillfromStaffs Report 18 Mar 2011 14:46

Thankyou Jan.
It's difficult as she was born in Newcastle Under Lyme Staffs, but in 1911 she was in Mansfield Nottingham, the marriage I found was Nellie Forrester & Walter Cosford in the same area 1915 however not the right one, so really she could be anywhere as the Salvation Army moved them around I think.
In April Iam going to write to the Salvation Army Herritidge centre and ask for a search as the younger sister was also a Captain in London, I found her marriage in 1918.


brummiejan Report 18 Mar 2011 14:54

Fair enough, but if you have no luck put it to people on here and we'll have a look.


GillfromStaffs Report 18 Mar 2011 14:59

Thank's again Jan.
Yes I will.
Gill x

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 19 Mar 2011 18:21

Do you have the younger sister's marriage certificate?
Was Nellie a witness?
This might give an idea of when to look and what names.



GillfromStaffs Report 20 Mar 2011 11:19

Hi Gwyn.
Sorry I didn't get back to you before, I got called away.
I do have the younger sisters marriage cert however a part from fathers name there is know other family name on it.
Gill x