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old emails

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Margaretfinch Report 12 Mar 2011 08:40

Please could someone advise me about old emails that I stored on my computer is it best to delete them than you

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 12 Mar 2011 09:21

Emails from where? do you mean from Genes contacts?


InspectorGreenPen Report 12 Mar 2011 09:45

Its up to you what you do with them.

Anything that I don't want at all gets deleted on the spot. Other stuff I tend to keep for reference for about 2 years, then delete it.

My wife on the other hand deletes most of hers almost straight away.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 12 Mar 2011 10:39

like a lot of people I have two email addresses one a hotmail account and the other through the ISP. i discovered to my cost when my old PC went kaput then the ISP emails were lost too, The hotmail ones were safe as you only had to log in again to the account .
I do keep ISP emails that are of interest but any that send attachments that I want ,I download so they are safe, and print a copy of any emails that I dont want to lose. Plus i periodically print a copy of the contact email addresses so can re input if the worse happens again.

Any new emails that are no interest get deleted straight away.and any genes contacts that arent of my tree get pruned out from time to time. I mean where I have been PM,d when doing my helping on threads.


Margaretfinch Report 12 Mar 2011 11:02

thank you I must delete all the ones I do not want