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Tips on Irish research with little to go on!

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Marion Report 11 Mar 2011 16:14

I have been seeking info and help on another thread in the Records Office section but we're stuck.

My elusive Grandmother May Simmonds (nee Brian) is the mystery lady. Her Mother Kathleen Brian is from FiveMileTown Co Tyrone Ireland according to the 1911 census for Brentford Middx. I have no birth or marriage for May and wonder if these were registered in Ireland. I really don't know where to start looking. Can someone point me in the right direction. I feel it's a needle in a haystack job!

Any help appreciated however small


Eringobragh1916 Report 11 Mar 2011 18:38

Marion...Can you refer me to the Records Office thread so I have an idea of what has already been found...dates ages address's etc....


brummiejan Report 11 Mar 2011 18:49

Brace yourself! The idea of asking for irish research tips was mine by the way so no shouting at marion! Not sure she wants people to do the research as such, just wants to know where to look.



Marion Report 12 Mar 2011 11:13

Thanks Carol
Have had a look - very interesting. If I had names and info to search with it would be a good source I'm sure.

My big problem is I have so little info to start with. Only have the married name of my Gt Grandmother, no maiden name, so although I know she was from (if I have the correct person on the UK 1911 census, in the first place!) FivemileTown,
Co Tyrone, I haven't a clue what or who to start looking for. My Grandmother is non existant as far as marriage and birth records go in the UK. Just don't know what to do next.
If someone can help start me off it would be wonderful but I don't think I have enough info.

Thanks folks


Eringobragh1916 Report 12 Mar 2011 11:31

Marion..I would suggest you focus on finding more about Kathleen and family in England before moving across the Irish Sea...although Kate states she was b Five Mile Town I dont think this will assist you at the moment in finding the birth of "May"..
I dont have the 1911 census to check Kathleen's' details but from the other thread it seems she is stated as you know her husband s Christian name...have you found her on any other Census...?
I haven't found a May Brian (variations) marriage to a Gordon Simmonds (Variations)..the nearest is the Birth in Croyden of Gordon W.Simmonds (mothers maiden name Brian) Reg Dec 1918 but I guess you will have that info...
I would be after getting that Birth Cert.(unless you already have it)...


Marion Report 12 Mar 2011 12:18

Thanks Eringobragh1916

Gordon W Simmonds was my Dad so have that birth but difficulties are compounded by the fact that on his brother Ronald's birth cert in 1923 May is named as Bryant - therefore I have no proof that the Census entry for 1911 refers to my Grandmother. My Mum said that May was of Irish origin so my gut feeling is that the Brian spelling and census entry is right. Of course I need proof from somewhere................... Kathleen is down as head of household in Census - no husband - married 31 years.

I appreciate and agree with your comment about continuing with researching the family here. I'm getting a bit frustrated with the brick walls here! Just thought I might find a clue in Co Tyrone. They seem to be invisible here. According to the census May had a sibling but I've absolutely no idea what they were called.
Appreciate your interest & comments


Eringobragh1916 Report 12 Mar 2011 13:43

Marion......Have a look at the Birth Cert for your father....What was the address and what was the occup.of his father....
You may be able to gain a clue from your fathers Baptism Record if you know or can locate the actual Church of Baptism...
Unfortunately the variables for O'Brien are many and it is a case of searching searching and searching again...dont get disheartened ...eventually you will get a breakthrough...


Marion Report 12 Mar 2011 14:44

The Simmonds family lived in Tottenham (for at least 60 years) and were all married and baptised at the Parish Church but I have never found a marriage of Gordon to May Brian (I certainly hope she wasn't O'Brian - even more of a needle in a haystack!) They all appear on various census records, no problem. Trouble is when you don't know if you're searching for a Brian, Bryan, Bryant, O'Brian etc plus whether it is UK Or NI it's a bit daunting, isn't it?

Thanks for your optimism!