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census info
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Sidami | Report | 10 Mar 2011 20:48 |
Can you be on a census a few times? for instance if you have your name down for living in your house, you then go and visit your friends would they have to add you on the census |
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brummiejan | Report | 10 Mar 2011 20:52 |
Strictly speaking you should find people on the census of the dwelling they were in on the day it was done, not at their normnal residence. However, it's not unheard of for people to be recorded twice! |
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Sidami | Report | 10 Mar 2011 20:59 |
I was thinking of my self as i would usually visit friends, so I would put myself down then on my census, if I wasn't stopping the night at friends. |
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Chris in Sussex | Report | 10 Mar 2011 21:06 |
For this census 2011 |
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mgnv | Report | 10 Mar 2011 23:37 |
I've never heard of a few times, but twice does happen. Look at the following: |
InspectorGreenPen | Report | 11 Mar 2011 07:27 |
Current census yes, as described above, earlier censuses, officially no, only the place where you were on the night in question. However, not sure exactly when the change in rule was introduced. |
♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ | Report | 11 Mar 2011 11:02 |
I was having this same conversation with my daughter the other day (when our 2011 census form arrived). |
Potty | Report | 11 Mar 2011 11:22 |
I have found a sailor mentioned 3 times in one census. He is listed on two ships and at home but on both the ships, "Not on board" was written across the top. |
Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it | Report | 11 Mar 2011 13:32 |
My grtx3 grandmother was a monthly nurse and is listed in 1871 at the home of the family where she was attending the mother as well as her usual family address. goodness knows which house she was actually at. |
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