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Royal Honnours

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MargaretM Report 9 Mar 2011 15:23

His obit:

BONNER, Albert Leo, D.S.M., B.E.M., C.D. (Lt. Cmdr. RCN - Ret'd) - 86,
Halifax, passed away Tuesday, May 11, 2004, in the New Halifax Infirmary,
QEII. Born in Saint John, N.B., he was a son of the late Daniel and Ellen
(Gray) Bonner. He served 34 years with the RCN retiring with the rank of
Lt. Cmdr. During the Second World War, he served in the European and
Pacific Theatres on the Russian and North Atlantic runs. He was mentioned
in dispatches as well, he served in The Korean Conflict. Following his
retirement from the RCN, he worked for the Department of Employment and
Immigration. He was recognized by the Prime Minister for 50 years of
continuous service to the Government of Canada. As well as being highly
decorated, Al was extremely proud of being Chief Yeoman of Signals on
several warships. He was a long-time member of the Chief's and PO's Mess.
Al was an avid sportsman and volunteer as well as being an active athletic
coach. He was also very active in St. John Ambulance having received the
Order of St. John. He will be lovingly missed by his wife, the former M.
Frances O'Neill; sons, Daniel and wife Sharon, Bridgewater; Patrick and
wife Tammy, Berwick; daughter, Frances Ellen and husband Shane Parker, New
Minas; eight grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; numerous nieces and
nephews. He was the last surviving member of his immediate family.
Visitation will be 2-4, 7-9 p.m. today in J.A. Snow Funeral Home. Funeral
mass will be 10 a.m. Friday in St. Mary's Basilica, Very Rev. John Williams
officiating. Burial in Gate of Heaven Cemetery. On-line condolences may be
sent to: 1016 at


MargaretM Report 9 Mar 2011 15:20

Also this;

BONNER, Albert Leo, Chief Yeoman of Signals (V­2293) - British Empire Medal (BEM)
- RCNVR / HMCS Uganda
- Awarded as per Canada Gazette of 5 January 1946 and London Gazette of 1 January 1946.

"This Chief Petty Officer joined the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve
a year prior to the commencement of hostilities and served at sea for over
three years during the war in the Battle of the Atlantic and latterly in the
Pacific Theatre in HMCS Uganda. As Chief Yeoman of Signals, he has displayed
keenness and integrity to a marked degree, and has at all time proven an
inspiration to the junior ratings of his branch."

Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) in Korea as per Canada Gazette of
20 December 1952 while serving in HMCS Nootka.

Medals of Lieutenant-Commander Albert Leo BONNER, SBStJ, DSM, BEM, CD.
Serving Brother, Order of St. John - DSM (EIIR) - BEM (GVI) - 39/45 Star - Atlantic Star
- Pacific Star - CVSM and Clasp - 39/45 War Medal with MID - Canadian Korea Medal
- Canadian Korean Volunteer Service Medal - United Nations Korea Medal
- EIIR Coronation Medal - RCNVR Long Service and Good Conduct Medal - CD with one Bar.

From this site:


Anne Report 9 Mar 2011 09:54

thanks Lindsey, That sounds impressive


Lindsey* Report 9 Mar 2011 09:35

BONNER, Albert Leo, Chief Petty Officer Second Class (CPO2), BEM, CD
- Distinguished Service Medal - RCN / HMCS Nootka
>>>>> - Awarded as per Canada Gazette of 20 December 1952.
Awarded DSM in WW2 as per Canada Gazette of 5 January 1946, Chief Yeoman in HMCS Uganda.
BONNER. Albert Leo, 0-7477, (Saint John NB)
CPO/Yeomn, V-2293, RCNVR, MID~[5.6.43] BEM~[5.1.46] WWII Awards
HMCS NOOTKA(213) DDE, CPO 2, DSM~[20.12.52] Korea Award
A/Cd/Com [2.10.53] RCN,
HMCS CORNWALLIS for Com/School, (16.12.53-?)
HMCS MICMAC(214) DDE, (2.3.54-?)
FOAC for Asst/StO/Com, (14.3.55-?)
FOAC for StO/Com, (24.8.55-?) Lt [1.1.55] CD~[?]
HMCS MICMAC(214) DDE, (18.8.57-?)
HMCS CAPE BRETON(100) ARE, (13.6.58-?)
HMCS IROQUOIS(217) DDE, (17.10.58-?) (130)
HMCS STADACONA(E18) (30.6.60-?)
HMCS STADACONA(E18) (28.6.61-?) {130/12)
HMCS NADEN(N18) (28.3.63-?)


Anne Report 9 Mar 2011 08:54

It looks as if I will have to go to the British Library to see this and apply for a readers ticket. I was hoping there was something on Line.


Jonesey Report 9 Mar 2011 08:24

The may be details of the 1952 investiture in the London Gazette of the day.


Anne Report 9 Mar 2011 06:32

I have a photo of a man, with Mel 75 help, I believe to be Albert Bonner
Albert Bonner. He is standing outside Buckingham Palace proudly showing off his insignia after the Investiture.The date on the back is 8th July 1952 ( the year of the coronation) I therefore assume he was awarded it in the Coronation Lists.
Does anyone know if it is possible to find out what he was awarded and for what achievement.