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Helen in Bucks

Helen in Bucks Report 7 Mar 2011 18:38

thanks Julie and IGP, I knew it was in the rules somewhere

remember that details such as date of birth, place of birth, mother's maiden name etc are often used as security questions for internet sites such as banks etc, and therefore it is not advisable to have these in the public domain, even if you think you know who you are opening your tree to, they may not be who they say they are

I know much of this is available to anyone with £9.25 to spend on a cert or time to search through the bmd indexes, but it pays to be vigilant, also a good idea to be more creative with internet passwords!


InspectorGreenPen Report 7 Mar 2011 16:38

Couple of points, just to clarify.

1) GR Privacy rules state "You must have permission to include any living individual's details and photos in your family tree."

The rules do not state that you have to hide living relatives

2) If you choose to hide living relatives, then "any individual in the member’s family tree with a year of birth within 120 years, and who has no date of death recorded in the tree, will be shown in the tree as hidden"

The period is not 100 years as stated earlier.


Julie Report 7 Mar 2011 16:18

SatNav Report as Abuse 20 Minutes Ago
Can you tell us how you arrived at this.
I can see nothing in the rules which refers to this.

Read the Privacy Tips


Thelma Report 7 Mar 2011 15:51

Can you tell us how you arrived at this.
I can see nothing in the rules which refers to this.

Helen in Bucks

Helen in Bucks Report 7 Mar 2011 15:15

Remember you MUST have permission from ALL living relatives before "unhiding" their details.


Thelma Report 6 Mar 2011 23:51

The option to hide living people is at "My account"
Just change from yes to no.


Nannylicious Report 6 Mar 2011 23:49


It is possible to change the "hidden" status of living relatives by clicking on "My Account" at the top of the toolbar (to the left of where you sign out). You will have to re-enter your password for security reasons. If you scroll down the table on the next page that comes up, there is a box that determines whether or not you wish to make living relatives available for others to see. Perhaps your contact is not aware that this has to be changed to make living relatives available to you. On the other hand, some people prefer to protect the identity of living relatives and therefore keep this option closed. You will have to ask the tree owner. It is also something to bear in mind when sharing your own tree. Hope this has helped. Pamela


Sandra Report 6 Mar 2011 23:33

Thanks for responding, I had already contacted the tree owner and she does not know either.


Jonesey Report 6 Mar 2011 19:15

One assumes that the people who are shown as "Hidden" are probably still alive.

I would contact the tree owner to discuss.


Sandra Report 6 Mar 2011 19:03

I have been given permission to view a Family Tree of a distant cousin but when I open up her board most of the entries have the word "Hidden" instead of the name, there are a few where I can see the names but not many. Can anyone tell me how we can sovle this problem.