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Walter | Report | 6 Mar 2011 22:08 |
Okay, so I have gone back through the entries and where there have been two wives I have added both and, yes, it does look okay with each entry asking which wife to allot the respective children to. It is good to know, but perplexing until you do know. |
InspectorGreenPen | Report | 6 Mar 2011 18:15 |
The way I do things is to add each partner, wife, husband or whatever to the relationship.So yes you include your son's first wife and his new partner. Any children are then added to the appropriate relationship. |
Walter | Report | 6 Mar 2011 18:05 |
Hi folks, I knew it wouldn't be altogeher straight forward. In my case this man, my Maternal Grandfather, had six children to his first wife, then divorced her and married the second, to whom he had a further five children. My Grandfather and his wives are all dead now, bless em. I just wanted to get it right. I also have another problem along the same lines. My son was married, then divorced and now he has a partner. Do I include the ex wife and the partner? After all the ex is part of the geneology picture, isn't she? Why isn't life simple? But then it would be horrifically boring. Regards Walter |
Renes | Report | 6 Mar 2011 14:43 |
Walter |
Walter | Report | 6 Mar 2011 14:09 |
Hi guy's. I am very much in need of a Tip and cannot think of anyone more able to help that the very knowledgeable guy's and gal's on here. Nothing spectacular I don't think, just puzzling. Okay, so I have a relative, who lives with his spouse and their children. He also lives with an equal number of children who were born to his first wife, some years earlier. How do I place this on my family tree? Obviously I cannot put him down linked to his second wife and ignore the fact that his first wife is still around and her children living in the same house as he and his second wife. How do I do it? Many thanks for tips that can sort it out. Regards Walter |