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Walter Report 2 Mar 2011 11:22

Hi Guy's. Now that I have my ancestral tree built, how can I turn it into a GEDCOM so that I can import it into other genealogical programs. Is there a simple way that this old guy can get to grips with. Regards Walt.


Walter Report 2 Mar 2011 13:28

Hi Ken. Thanks for the tip. Just my luck though, the system does not seem to want to export my tree (not very large) and is taking ages and ages and although promising me it is going through the motions, nothing happens. I have refreshed it and the same again. Do they try to discourage you from GEDCOM or something? Will let you know if it ever does finish exporting. Regards Walt


InspectorGreenPen Report 3 Mar 2011 13:41

There was a problem with exports reported to GR support last weekend, with someone having to wait around 24 hours before they fixed it for him.

I did export mine earlier in the week, to see if there were still problems. It worked ok, but took 4 hours for the email to arrive, rather than the usual 10-15 minutes.

Incidentally you cant refresh the export, and indeed should not try to run it again until the previous one is complete, but you can refresh the status message to see if it has changed.


Barry Report 3 Mar 2011 20:07

I am a new subscriber and still finding my way.

What is GEDCOM and how is it used??



Nannylicious Report 3 Mar 2011 20:48

I would like to add my name to Barry's query and to ask a secondary question.....

Once I have received the GEDCOM file (whatever that is!! - hopefully I will find out soon) can I add to it should I find other ancestors later or do I have to add them onto my GR tree and then export GEDCOM again?

Apologies to all you experts out there if this seems a mundane question. Thanks to everyone for your help (and patience). Pamela


InspectorGreenPen Report 3 Mar 2011 21:05

The term gedcom refers to a type of file format which allows genealogical data to be transferred between different genealogy programs. It is in effect a text file in a very specific format.

There is a thread which goes into detail on the subject which I will nudge up for you to read.


Barry Report 4 Mar 2011 04:54

Thanks Inspector

I will look forward to reading the thread
