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Advice / suggestions please

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Susan Report 1 Mar 2011 19:39

I have come to a very frustrating point in my family search and am hoping some kind person on this board is able to point me in the right direction please.
Am hoping to find a lady whom I know to be alive somewhere in England or Wales but apart from her name and date of birth have no other details at all. Unfortunately, its quite a common name but I'm hoping for some advice or suggestions on how best to go about my search .
Would it be best to start with Electoral rolls (which I'm sure will produce a large quantity of names) and how do I go about whittling down the list.
Any advice gratefully received.
Many thanks


nuttybongo Report 1 Mar 2011 20:05

Hi there,
You could start with a birth certificate that way you may find at least where she was born and who her parents were. After that you could then try the local telephone directories and electoral rolls.


Susan Report 1 Mar 2011 21:10

Hello Allison
Although I know her date of birth I cannot find an entry for her in the registers. The problem is made worse by the fact that she was adopted and I think she was listed under her original name (which I don't know) and doesn't appear to be listed under her adopted name. Plus the fact that she married at least 3 times (last known surname is Brown) and moved all over the country. Last know location was Scotland in 1993 but I have had it confirmed that she is alive and living, under the name of Brown, somewhere in either England or Wales. Unfortunately, the agency that advised this is unable, because of the data protection act, to give me any further details of ther whereabouts. Basically I'm at a complete loss



nuttybongo Report 2 Mar 2011 16:27

hi Sue,
So sorry to hear that. You could put a help in one of the boards, or even on some local websites and put out a plea on those. I have left a few before and come back to them later, finally had an answer. Hope you can get it sorted quickly.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 2 Mar 2011 17:00

If you know Mr Brown's first name(s) maybe that is the key to finding her.

A lookup in recent electoral lists could be limited to addresses where only the 2 sets of names appear together.
If you know that his / their occupation is likely to lead them to a particular area, that also might help to limit possible choices.
