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William G Townshend 1925 Kingston, Surrey

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Tina Report 26 Feb 2011 00:14

This is my uncle who just "disappeared" about 1950. No one in the family has heard from him since. Would I have any chance of finding him through this or any other search site? Years ago my father (his brother) approached the Salvation Army but they needed so much info. National Insurance Numbers etc. Any help and advice would be gratefully received. Of couse he may well have died but his remaining relatives would just like to know. With thanks. Tina


CupCakes Report 27 Feb 2011 04:15

This is a difficult one but a little more info would be useful. Where was he last living - area. Was he married at the time. I have found 3 marriages for a Wiliam G Townshend in the London area 1947, 1950 & 1961



patchem Report 27 Feb 2011 08:27

An exact date of birth would help if you are searching for deaths.
If he wanted to disappear, any information about him would be as good as was supplied, so if he lied to people, dropped the G, etc etc....
But start with birth date.


Tina Report 28 Feb 2011 01:11

Thank you for your replies. Do not have exact date of birth but know it was JULY/AUG.SEPT 1925. He was living in the Wimbledon/Surrey (south London) area and single up to the time he decided to disappear in 1950, definitely not the 1947 marriage but maybe one of the others?

One of your colleagues has suggested that he used his middle name George from then on, so I am also trying that route too.

Thank you for your help, look forward to any further info you might find. I will also let you know whether my George search is successful.

Tina (my second name Susanne - spelt the same!)


patchem Report 28 Feb 2011 07:01

Buy the certificate for exact date of birth, which can help find a death, (though he could still be alive):
Births Sep 1925
Townshend William G Cook Kingston 2a 699