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This is strange !!

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Kathlyn Report 24 Feb 2011 09:15

I looked for a marriage between William Stott and Maria Gregory in the Islington area about 1852.

Found the cert. info as them being married AMJ 1852 in Islington.

Looked on the London marriages and found the entry, but written acrossed the certificate was the following...

"The entry was made but the man did not attend, they were not married".

Why was the cert issued if the church entry said they were not married??

Thoughts please



Kay???? Report 24 Feb 2011 09:35

The marriage did not taken place at the church,but would seem they had a register office one?,buying the certificate will tell.

They appear to have a marriage entry for Jan/Mar-1853.

William Stott and Maria Gregory,

St Giles



Kathlyn Report 24 Feb 2011 10:25

Thanks for that Kay, I wonder why he did not turn up, maybe he was ill or did he get cold feet???

Had a quick look at both entries, but are both legal?



Kay???? Report 24 Feb 2011 20:02


I would say the latter one took place.

The entry in 1852 was possibly an over zealous vicars clerk and he sent off the entry copy to the GRO before knowing it never took place...they did have 3 weeks of banns read out.

was any children born before the allotted time? there may have been 101 reasons why it didnt take place in 1852.