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Electoral Roll Query
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meefy | Report | 8 Feb 2011 21:08 |
I am looking at some electoral rolls online and I have found the person I was looking for in the Birmingham 1955 register, however she is listed as 'Y—Hill, Sylvia'. Could anyone help me out as to the meaning of the Y- before her name, as it must mean something, there are a few others with this before their name. |
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Jonesey | Report | 8 Feb 2011 21:53 |
I haven't got a clue but I know a man who probably has. |
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meefy | Report | 8 Feb 2011 21:55 |
I've spoken to him before, when querying something about a birth certificate I was ordering. Seemed a nice fellow then. Will do! |
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Andysmum | Report | 8 Feb 2011 21:55 |
Do you know how old she was? My guess is that it stands for "Youth". The forms for electoral registers are issued in October, and the roll becomes valid in February and lasts for twelve months. Therefore people who were only 19 or 20 (16 or 17 now) would be included as they would reach 21 before the next register was published. |
Nannylicious | Report | 8 Feb 2011 22:02 |
I would be interested to hear the reply to Andysmum as well. Do the online rolls have a similar time restriction put on them as the census returns do? If not, it would in theory be possible to find out anyone's address - or can you already do this through the electoral registers held, say in libraries? Haven't used this research method yet but would be interested in online research as it's not always possible to trek round the country to view them. |
Andysmum | Report | 8 Feb 2011 22:14 |
Pamela, the answer to your question is Yes, but as they are in street order it could take a very long time!!! However, after about 2004-ish people now have the option not to be included on the register that is available to all in libraries etc. The full roll is only available to certain groups of people, such as the Police. |
Maureen R | Report | 9 Feb 2011 13:08 |
Y voters are people who weren't of voting age (at that time 21) when the register was issued but would become so during the year. |
meefy | Report | 22 Feb 2011 20:02 |
I spoke to John and he suggested the very same thing as Maureen, though he was hazarding a guess. |
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Pam | Report | 22 Feb 2011 22:43 |
I posted this website information on Records Office Board on 6th might help somebody. |
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