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Court Child Maintenance Records
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KathleenBell | Report | 8 Feb 2011 22:37 |
If the case was heard at a Magistrate's Court and the case was more than 30 years ago then you can search the original Magistrate's Court Records at the local archives (if you know the area where the court case was held). |
Virginia | Report | 8 Feb 2011 19:53 |
My grandmother had three daughters all from different father's and she was married to none of them. My grandmother had a court order for child maintenance on all her daughters until they were 15 years of age. After many years my mother has now been able to trace her natural father and I am in the process of obtaining his birth certificate. I would like to know the natural fathers' of her two sisters, is there anyway I can check with the courts about child maintenance orders and if so where do I apply to? |
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