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Trevor | Report | 4 Feb 2011 15:35 |
my sub ran out in december to find my past so rang yesterday asking if possible to still get the 20% was told no so emailed them this morning explaining what i wanted and was promply replied to with an offer of 15% so promptly took them off so it just shows dont take no for an answer if no joy ringing email them :) |
Jan. | Report | 4 Feb 2011 18:07 |
Good for you! Glad you were able to get discount despite being told no the first time. |
TootyFruity | Report | 4 Feb 2011 22:42 |
They have been sending me emails with 15%off periodically for a while now. Usual stuff renew within the next 7 days to qualify. I'm waiting for 1911 on ancestry to see which site I prefer. Both have features I like and dislike but Ancestry gave me 25% off so was a no brained. I did ask FMP for the same deal but they declined |