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Before 1841 and into the 1790's
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Eileen | Report | 1 Feb 2011 11:33 |
I was reading a very interesting article yesterday about a district in Manchester called Angel Meadow which is situated in the city centre and once was a terrible place to live in that era. There was the Cholera outbreak in 1832 and 40,000 people were buried in a communal grave under flags at St.Michael's churchyard. The area in later years (2004) was updated with various grants and laid to lawn the church having been demolished in 1935, and is now a beautiful oasis of calm in a bustling city. |
KathleenBell | Report | 1 Feb 2011 16:24 |
There is a John Foulds aged 78 born Ireland on the 1841 census in the District Workhouse and Fever Hospital in Liverpool but I can't find anyone on Genes with a John Foulds born that early in their tree. That's the nearest one I can find to Manchester. |
Eileen | Report | 1 Feb 2011 23:31 |
Thanks Kath for your input the gravestone really touched me when i saw how many of their children had not survived. They must have thought the latter two children may have had a chance as one got to the age of 7 years 6 months, and then the last child was 4 years 7 months. I cannot imagine what thise poor people went through losing all of their 8 children for whatever reasons, how soul destroying to keep giving birth and probably knowing none were going to survive the terrible conditions they lived in. Of course, there were many other such tragedies in that area and i suppose my grandfather was lucky he was born a century later. He even survived the Great War even though he was shot twice! |
SylviaInCanada | Report | 2 Feb 2011 05:38 |
you could try looking on this site |
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