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Finding adoptions from 1919
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June | Report | 28 Jan 2011 23:45 |
I have an aunt Pauline Moira Briars adopted in 1917 in York and my father's cousin Joan White Briars who was adopted in 1919 in Eastbourne. The family would like to find out what happened to these two relatives, especilally Joan who has 3 sisters who are still alive. How do we go about finding out their new names and if we can contact their families. Any help appreciated. |
Astra | Report | 29 Jan 2011 07:41 |
Registered legal adoptions didn't come into force in the UK until 1927. Prior to that things were handled privately within the family or through the church. This means that there will be no 'paper trail' for the adoptions. Do the family have any information at all that could give a clue as to the adopting families? |
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