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Family Tree Size
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Nannylicious | Report | 15 Jan 2011 13:30 |
What is the general view on the optimum size of someone's family tree posted on GR? I received a hot match report from GR and made contact with the person in question. However, although I have been allowed access to their tree, there are nearly 49,000 names listed on the tree and it is therefore impossible to view any of the ancestors named. What's more, the person who posted the tree isn't able to work out the connection either and admits that it is due to the size of their tree! |
grannyfranny | Report | 15 Jan 2011 13:48 |
Well of course, it depends how many 'cousins' you include in your tree. If you have a hot match then you might have an ancestor in common, and the only way to tell is to look at that ancestor in their tree, and compare that section with your own. Personally I tend to ignore most hot matches for pre 1700 unless it's for a couple of my more interesting families. |
Researching: |
InspectorGreenPen | Report | 15 Jan 2011 15:41 |
Just done a quick check for my contacts. I have access to around 640 trees, of which:- |
TootyFruity | Report | 15 Jan 2011 18:10 |
I am always wary of excessively large trees especially if the owner cannot explain the relationship. Where is the evidence that each and every person should be in their tree? |
TootyFruity | Report | 15 Jan 2011 19:24 |
Nudge |