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mid 1700s
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grannyfranny | Report | 15 Jan 2011 13:37 |
And of course not all Churches allow their records to be filmed. When I first started searching nearly 30 years ago, my local LDS library, now familysearch online, had a map of the counties stating how many records had been filmed. At that time, Northumberland was 98%, but Somerset was 4%, so not much hope of finding anything without visiting that area. |
Researching: |
mac | Report | 15 Jan 2011 10:32 |
I've found a lot of gaps in the familysearch records even though they claim to cover from year xxxx to year yyyy for a parish, there are records missing from their database. Have found both births & marriages in the parish records held at our local records office that familysearch didn't have. |
Thelma | Report | 15 Jan 2011 10:16 |
Couples usually married in the brides parish. |
+++DetEcTive+++ | Report | 15 Jan 2011 09:59 |
I think it was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution which meant movement from the country to find work. |
Researching: |
Merv | Report | 15 Jan 2011 08:03 |
it appears that when i get to around the mid 1700s on several of my family trees i draw a blank on the births and baptisms ,and although i possibly have the family links prior to that ,early 1700s .I have 3 trees where can find the marriages late 1700s but not the baptisms births for those people,yet same church same area it seems the family where there before, example Nehemia Matthews married 1780s Guidford Surrey yet cannot find birth but same church St Marys Guildford can find a Nehemiah 1709, 2 other direct trees i have had same problem filling the gap inbetween (was there something going on around the mid 1700s that baptisms where not listed?) |