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Adoptions 1800's
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Joanne | Report | 2 Jan 2011 20:21 |
Thank you both very much, it is in the North east of England, i've passed on the information to her |
Nannylicious | Report | 2 Jan 2011 20:13 |
My father-in-law was adopted but it seems that before 1927 arrangements were made privately and very few formal records were kept. I'[m not sure what area you are talking about but try to find out if there was something called a Foundling Hospital in the vicinity. Sometimes mothers could take babies up to about 1year old to a place of refuge called a Foundling Hospital (not a hospital in the way we know it today but more linked to the word "hospitality"). The children were cared for either until such time as the mother could reclaim them or until they were fostered out. The one in London was patronised by the composer Handel who donated royalties to help with the upkeep. Pam |
Joanne | Report | 2 Jan 2011 19:56 |
Hi, |