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Lunatic Asylum inmates in census
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Barrie | Report | 23 Nov 2010 18:42 |
Many thanks RutlandBelle. I have done as you suggested. Yes, isn't it shocking that no names are given, only initials. Degrading for the patients and difficult for us researchers. I have found a "E S" aged 32 (should be 33) who may be Elizabeth Scarf. She is a "lunatic" and not an "imbecile"-should I be relieved! |
Moira | Report | 23 Nov 2010 14:39 |
I have just looked at the 1911 census and I got into it by putting in Braine Hartnell and then viewing the image, I have done 20 pages and no luck yet, so don't know how many pages there are |
Researching: |
RutlandBelle | Report | 23 Nov 2010 11:54 |
There are 52 pages for the Asylum on the 1901 census on Ancestry. |
Researching: |
RutlandBelle | Report | 23 Nov 2010 11:50 |
Is there an address? could you search 1911 that way? |
Researching: |
Barrie | Report | 23 Nov 2010 11:40 |
I am trying to trace Elizabeth Mary Scarf born 1868 in Birmingham in the 1901 and 1911 censuses. She died in 1917 at Worcester County and City Lunatic Asylum at Powick. The informant was the Superintendent ,Geo M P Braine Hartnell. I found him in the 1901 census at the Asylum House Powick but could not find the Asylum itself or its inmates who, I suspect, included Elizabeth. How can i find a list of the inmates in either 1901 or 1911? |