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Problem with building tree.
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Derek | Report | 18 Nov 2010 22:46 |
Can someone help. I have been building my family tree. I found details on a family of relations. There were 2 brothers on one branch who both married wives with surname Fuller. I researched one brother who married Emma Sarah Fuller. I was given a whole lot of information on her ancestors and built it into my tree.. Later I researched the other brother and found a link with his wifes family she was Mary Ann Fuller and it transpires she was sister to Emma. The two sisters had married two young men from the same village, who were brothers. |
MargaretM | Report | 18 Nov 2010 23:05 |
You've explained it well, Derek. A lot of us have the same problem with sisters marrying brothers. It's impossible to merge the families on the GR tree but very easy to do on other family tree programs such as Familytree Maker, the one I use. |
Researching: |
InspectorGreenPen | Report | 19 Nov 2010 06:58 |
Extracted from "Help" |