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1911 CENSUS look up
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Christine | Report | 13 Nov 2010 14:53 |
Hi, everyone! Could someone please do a look up for a Margaret Mary Elizabeth Dawson, born 1891 in Peterborough,Northants? In July of 1911 she was living at 145 New Rd, Woodstone,Peterborough when she had her son Leslie. This was the address for her aunt Elizabeth Gregory Hathaway in 1911, but I can't find Margaret at that address then , or anywhere else. Margaret was unmarried and her mothers name was Catherine, b. 1872, also unmarried. Both were in domestic service I think. |
Choccy | Report | 13 Nov 2010 15:16 |
Dawson on original - |
Christine | Report | 13 Nov 2010 15:31 |
Many thanks, Choccy! This could well be her, as on the 1891 census she was living with her mum Catherine, and grandmother Mary Ann Dawson, who put her place of birth as Plymouth, Devon. So that would give a connection to the south coast. Thanks again, you have opened up a new line of enquiry! |