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How to narrow down a death
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Angela | Report | 14 Nov 2010 17:27 |
Thank you for your help |
Gwyn in Kent | Report | 14 Nov 2010 09:36 |
Old lists are kept at the main library or archive local to the event. They are searched by address not surname. |
Angela | Report | 13 Nov 2010 21:10 |
Thank you will check that out, can you do that on ancestry |
Gwyn in Kent | Report | 13 Nov 2010 20:06 |
It might be useful to check Edward's 1942 address in the electoral lists. There won't be any for the war years, but if you checked 1939 and 1945 /1946 you could find out if Elizabeth was alive then and if it was likely to be her who remarried. |
Angela | Report | 13 Nov 2010 19:00 |
Thank you all for taking the time to reply, Elizabeth had my grandad in 1913, his father is not listed on birth certificate, Elizabeth occupation at time was laundry assistant, she gave my grandad to a family to bring up, I do not know if she had any contact with him or any of her family, she then married Edward Randle Thompson to my knowledge she did not have any other children (that I can find). I will check the marriage for 1944 because Middlesbrough have a email service for queries on certificates, I have death certs for Elizabeth Thompson in 1925 Newcastle and 1929 Gateshead, they were the only two deaths that fitted prior to Edwards death. In 1942 Edward lived at 15 Grosvenor Gardens Normaby Middlesbrough. Thank you all again |
Janet | Report | 13 Nov 2010 15:08 |
I would be inclined to find the local library to see if the obituary was put in the paper. This would pinpoint their address, location of burial/cremation and possibly the relatives/status of the deceased.-Jle |
Researching: |
Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it | Report | 13 Nov 2010 08:39 |
i see Edward was 44 when he died ,its possibly Elizabeth may have remarried?? |
Researching: |
Quoy | Report | 13 Nov 2010 07:24 |
To narrow it down |
Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! | Report | 12 Nov 2010 23:33 |
Would you list the death certs you have ordered? |
Researching: |
Angela | Report | 12 Nov 2010 22:31 |
I am trying to find a death of Elizabeth Jameson b 1893, she married Edward Randle Thompson in 1917 Middllesbrough, but I have searched for a death with negative result, have ordered several possible death certificates for her but the husbands are incorrect. Edward died in 1942 and a cousin of his was present at death and registered it, no mention was made of marital status, is there any records I can search to find and narrow down if she was still around pre 1942. Her husband occupation at time of marriage was in the army, but I do not know if this was the proper army or end of ww1 subscription, any advice would be greatly received. |