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Ideas, please-Barker Snr & Jnr

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JustPenny Report 30 Jul 2010 13:27

I've spent years researching my G.grandfather Henry Barker. Progress has been slow and I have no idea what to do next.
I would really appreciate some help.

The breakthrough would be Henry Jnr's birth record.

From his service record, Henry signed up for the army in 1868 (aged 21yrs) in Portsmouth. He gave his residence as Portsmouth and his occupation as 'hairdresser'. No details re parents or siblings. Is there any way I can use this info to find out more about Henry in Portsmouth prior to 1868?

On his marriage cert. Henry's father is also Henry Barker, mariner. Is there any way I can 'narrow down' what mariner refers to? (he could have been an admiral or just owned a row-boat!)

For background, this is what I already have:
- census data re wife+children from 1881-1911. These give his birth as 1849/50 in Portsmouth.
- can't find him on 1851 or 61 census (Barker or Parker).
- from army record - serving abroad in 1871+ 81, so any similar 'Henry Barker' in these censuses are not him.
- marriage+death certs (age at death definitely wrong, so doesn't help with d.o.b.).
- no relevant record of Henry's birth in the Portsmouth Record Office.
- none of the Hampshire births from 1847-1852 for Henry Barker (or Parker) seem right - they either have the wrong father; marry the wrong person or are on the 71/81 census.
- no relevant Henry on the 'Naval births abroad' records (Just in case Henry Snr travelled with his family and H. Jnr adopted Portsmouth as his birthplace).

Any info you can find or tips on how or where to search next would be great!

Thanks in anticipation, Penny


Potty Report 30 Jul 2010 13:46

Did Henry have a middle name?


JustPenny Report 30 Jul 2010 13:50

Certainly worth a try, Margaret, thanks :-)

A sailor, yes, but how can I tell which kind? - Royal Navy; Merchant Navy; fisherman etc etc. Perhaps mariner was just used for all of them, in which case I'm snookered!



JustPenny Report 30 Jul 2010 13:53

Sorry, Potty, our messages must have crossed.

I can't rule out a middle name, but I have never seen any reference to one. He's plain 'Henry Barker' on all certs. and his army record.



Choccy Report 30 Jul 2010 14:56

This is that Henry Parker in 1871 - 0ccupation - Fisherman

PARKER, Henry D Head M 24 1847 Hampshire VIEW (born Itchen)
PARKER, Charlotte Wife F 24 1847 Hampshire VIEW
PARKER, Henry G Son M 0 1871 Hampshire VIEW


RG number:
RG10 Piece:
1195 Folio:
53 Page:

Registration District:
South Stoneham Sub District:
St Mary Extra Enumeration District:
3 Ecclesiastical Parish:

Civil Parish:
St Mary Extra Municipal Borough:
St John Road Bishopstone Cottage, St Mary Extra County:


JustPenny Report 30 Jul 2010 15:18

Yes, I found this one, Elizabeth, and got quite excited when Henry Snr is listed as mariner/fisherman. However, This Henry Jnr is also on the 1871 census, so he can't be mine as mine was serving abroad at the time (see original post).

Thanks for trying :-)



JustPenny Report 30 Jul 2010 15:23

So sorry Margaret (don't know where Elizabeth came from!). Again, my thanks for trying.

Choccy - yes, that's the entry that means this Henry isn't mine:-)



JustPenny Report 30 Jul 2010 15:44

That's fine, Margaret. I didn't include them because I didn't want to inflict unnecessary research on you kind people :-)

Henry Barker Jnr m. Margaret/Maggie Mcloughlin in Mullingar, Westmeath, Ireland in Dec. 1871. Their children were:

Elizabeth b.1878 Canada
Robert Edward b.1879 Canada
Georgina Tamar b.1881 'at sea' off S. Africa
Marion Harriet Augusta b.1883 Dublin
Lilian b.1885 Curragh Camp, Ireland
Alfred b.1887 Chatham Kent
Henry b.1890 Portland Dorset
Cyril b.1894 Upnor Dorset

I have confirmed births of all these people and have followed their descendants down where possible. None have any knowledge of the Henries. I also have the service records of the younger boys, but none give additional info on their father.

Henry Jnr's wife is listed as Marcella in the 1881 census in Kent. Henry & Maggy/Maggie are listed with younger children in the 1891/1901/1911 censuses at Upnor, Kent.

'Hope this helps



JustPenny Report 30 Jul 2010 16:30

I've checked online records for Naval births abroad for Henry Jnr on the "Family Relatives" site, but haven't found anything - especially as I don't know anything about Henry Snr's career as a mariner.

Census definitely says Henry junior was born in Portsmouth, Hants (thank goodness!)

Many thanks to Margaret, but referring back to my original post, does anyone have any other ideas?

More in hope than expectation :-)


JustPenny Report 30 Jul 2010 22:58



JustPenny Report 18 Aug 2010 16:52

A last resort 'nudge' before I give up on the Henries for the time being. I compiled most of my tree in less time than I've spent on these two!

Thanks, P.


JustPenny Report 29 Apr 2012 13:17

Nearly 2 years on and I'm no further forward!
Another nudge, just in case..........
Thanks everyone, P.