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Wayne Report 13 Jul 2010 02:36

WILLIAM.PADFIELD my Gr Gr Grandfather Born Bath, England & parent JOHN.PADFIELD&Mother MARY MAIDEN Name Unknown and he was a resident of Raglan,Victoria,Australia for 20 years and was a Publican of the Padfield Hotel Raglan Victoria Australia as it was in the Argus paper where they actually had hearing for different thing in the area and also he own land there as well.
My question is where and how did William.Padfield come to Australia and what ship did he arrive on.
I have and update QUERY to my WILLIAM.PADFIELD who was suppose to be charged at ILLCHESTER GAOL as WILLIAM.PATFIELD and given Life and was transported on the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE in 1827 to TASMANIA,but was pardon OR ticket of leave in 1831 and was SUPPOSE to became INVOLVED with Captain Wentworth and SUPPOSE to travel between New South Wales and Tasmania and then was freed.
I also FOUND ANOTHER WILLIAM.PADFIELD in 1827 being Charged with ARSON and was ACQUITTED at ILLCHESTER GAOL of ARSON Unable to find out what HAPPEN to Him also find Mr&Mrs.PADFIELD Mr PADFIELD,MrsPADFIELD coming to Australia around the same time.
I Found WILLIAM.PADFIELD Marrying MARY.GOLDSMITH in PORTLAND in 1842 in SYDNEY,AUSTRALIA and was living in the PORTLAND BY Censors with his MARY in there FREEHOLD and with money and then I also find him In Raglan Victoria Australia with Margaret.LYALL and they have six CHILDREN and on WILLIAM.PADFIELD DEATH CERTIFICATE He Married MARGARET.LYALL IN HAMILTON,VICTORIA And it ALSO APPEARS On MARGARET DEATH CERTIFICATE and I ALSO find WILLIAM.LYALL as a SQUATTER in PORTLAND in 1854 and Where was there DAUGHTER JOHANNAH all I can tell you SHE was ALREADY DECEASE by MARGARET DEATH CERTIFCATE IN 1884.
I found out MARY.PADFIELD nee GOLDSMITH was dying of CANCER in 1854 and died in 1855 and is buried in the PORTLAND cemetery as PATFIELD MISSED PRINT or MISSED READ.
His son PETER.PADFIELD is selling land in RAGLAN on behalf of the family in 1922 and was with Houses,Out Sheds &Fencing AND one property was discribed as good Timberland for MINES&FENCING after the FAMILY moved ABOTTSFORD,MELBOURNE,VICTORIA
So if there is anyone other than my Lady cousins who can give me the answer I need certificate proof.
If your able to help please it would be greatly APPRECIATED.
Regards Wayne.Ayres.


brummiejan Report 13 Jul 2010 13:55

You need to put "Australia" in your heading (I'm assuming this is where you are taling about!)

Bren from Oldham

Bren from Oldham Report 13 Jul 2010 14:22

The PRO(Public record office) for the state of Victoria Australia shows that there are details of a will made by a Jane Padfield a married woman in the 1900's


AuntySherlock Report 19 Jul 2011 12:28

Hi Wayne, You have a very old thread on GR. I only found it because I googled the name you are looking for. I have not yet gone through the info on the thread and don't know whethe it would be worth nudging in so we can take a look at it again.

I think I will nudge it and then you can decide if the info is still relevant and whether to move the new info on this thread over to it.


AuntySherlock Report 19 Jul 2011 12:30

Now all I have to do is to find the jolly thing.

OK it is on Find Ancestors and is called Connection to England.

I am sure it is about the same people. Let us know whether you would like to keep the old thread, which has much more info on it than this one. Then you could copy and paste any useful info from this thread onto the old thread and then delete this new thread.

Go take a look at the old thread and see what you think.