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Where Do I Look Please?

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Susan Report 22 May 2011 13:44

You posted this so long ago you've probably had all the answers now! I hope so. In case you haven't this might help - my grandfather was also a Gonsalves. Apparently Gonsalves originates in Madeira/Portugal and in the 1800s many Gonsalves moved from Madeira to what was British Guyana. And from there many emigrated all over the world. There's a thriving website 'Gonsalves ancestry' and the theory is that ALL Gonsalves are related to each other! My granddad (Percy) certainly came from Guyana - and maybe yours did too.


Nightowl51 Report 3 Jun 2008 23:29

Have you tried a variation of spellings of his last name.
Not only being a foreign name our registrars have enough trouble knowing how to spell English names leave alone foreign ones!! LOL
If you say the name is could sound like Gonzalas to an untrained ear.
To me it sounds spanish, maybe even south american.


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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 3 Jun 2008 00:24

I don't see any births to them but it could be he anglicized his surname after he married.



FamilyFogey Report 2 Jun 2008 13:37

I doubt it will say where he was born - it will only tell you where he was living at the time of their marriage, but like Michael says - it will give you his father's name.

Then you may have to wait for the National Archives to digitise their inbound passenger lists to find out where he was from!



Michael Report 2 Jun 2008 13:17

You need to get the certificate - you cannot just guess where he appears from. The certificate is going to tell you whether he was born in the UK or not even better should give you his father's name.


FamilyFogey Report 1 Jun 2008 00:26

Aren't we all!!

But I can never stress enough the importance of getting a cert to get information!



Linda Report 1 Jun 2008 00:22

I agree but I'm a little impatient.


FamilyFogey Report 1 Jun 2008 00:19

Well waiting 7 days is nothing compared to the frustration of going round in circles without the information that is on the cert!


Linda Report 1 Jun 2008 00:17

Thank you Rose & Mrs T, I thought I might end up having to order the cert. just don't like having to wait the 7 days for it to arrive.


FamilyFogey Report 1 Jun 2008 00:04

Linda - all I can suggest is that you order that certificate as it will give you his age and his father's name.

I would imagine that he wasn't born here - probably from Italy or Spain. There are inbound passenger lists to England held at the National Archives - they are planning to digitise them like they have recently done with the outbound lists. So you might have to wait till they come online as it can be a huge task to trawl the books at the archives without knowing what year he came here and on what ship etc.

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 1 Jun 2008 00:03

I expect he wasn't born in the UK. Your best option is to order the cert.



Linda Report 31 May 2008 23:46

I am searching for Aurelio G Gonsalves.

I have no information on him apart from his marriage to Lily Elizabeth Arnold in West Ham Sept. 1921 4a 878. She was born 1896 so I can only assume they were of a similar age.

Any ideas gratefully received please.
