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Trying to find Lough

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Thomas Report 28 Nov 2008 20:36

Hello Kate - I am not aware of any connection, the names Robert and Sidney aren't familiar.
It is possible that there could be some connection further back.
I am still stuck on my Irish connection as above. Some of them moved to Scotland in the early 1900's. Main names are Samuel, Hugh, Henry and Thomas.
Wish I could help - I could do with a few more relations.
all the best - tom


Kate Report 22 Nov 2008 14:31

Hi are you related to any of the Lough's from around the Whitley Bay area? I'm looking for my father's family. His name was Sidney and had serveral brothers one being Robert (Bobby) best wishes Kate (Kathryn Lough)


Thomas Report 3 Jun 2007 17:34


Can anyone help?

My grandfather, THOMAS LOUGH, joined the Glasgow Police in 1906. He gave the following information.
Date of birth - 12 Dec 1886 at Finaghy, Drumbo, Co. Down
Previous employment as the Royal Garrison Artillery.
But, no records of the birth seem to exist. So the information can not be assumed to be correct.
The second problem concerns his mother - at his marriage in 1908 he gave his mother as MARY HANNA. In 1948 he remarried but his mother was now named as MARY MATEER. In both cases his father was named as JAMES LOUGH (deceased) and mother said to be remarried and now named MUNRO. So the same mother, but a change in her maiden name.

Moving to the Irish records - a JAMES LOUGH married MARY JANE MATEER in 1890 at Lisburn. The problem is that, given their ages on the certificate, they would have been only 14 and 15 at the time of Thomas’s birth (if the birth was 1886 as stated). James gave his father as HUGH LOUGH - Mary gave her father as JONATHAN MATEER.
The next possibility is the birth of a HUGH HENRY LOUGH in 1890 and a SAMUEL LOUGH in 1893. Their parents were JAMES LOUGH and MARY JANE HANNA. HUGH was born in Lisnall, Drumbeg, SAMUEL in Ballyfinaghy. My grandfather named one of his children Samuel. I have been unable to find any further reference to Mary, Hugh or Samuel after these dates.

Apart from a lot of theories, that’s it - the spelling of names could be a problem, Hanna, Hannan, Hannah - Mateer, Matear, Mcateer. but non of the variations has led me anywhere yet.

If anyone can shed any light on the above I would love to hear from them.

tom lough -