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My Father Ronald John Thompson Born 1927

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JaneyCanuck Report 11 May 2011 21:10

That's really terrific to read about, and we do appreciate hearing outcomes like this. Thanks, and we'll all be happy to help more later.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 11 May 2011 20:57

Thank you for the update.
What a great outcome. I'm so pleased for you that it has all fallen into place.

I can begin to understand a little of your feeling at seeing a photo in with the Merchant seamen papers. My husband had a similar experience when we found a photo of his maternal grandfather on his seaman card.

Good luck with the rest of your searches.



Catherine Report 11 May 2011 20:57

Fantastic result. So happy for you. So many great researchers on here. I've had no part in it , but have watched it unfold.



PHILIP Report 11 May 2011 20:25

Hi to everyone that have been watching and adding to my post. First of all, I need to apologise for not being on for a couple of weeks, but I have been waiting for information to come back to me and have had nothing until today that would've made any sense.
Great News!!!! Things seem to have fallen into place. First of all the Marriage cert of John Henry Thompson (grandfather) to Winnifred Margaret Owens 6th April 1925 matched to the right name given on my fathers marriage cert to my mother for his fathers name as John Henry. Secondly my Fathers birth cert for the 22nd June 1927 Cardiff was registered by his mother (my grandmother) Winnifred Thompson (formerly Owen) and both certs have the address of 28 Augusta street, Cardiff THAT IS MY FATHERS BIRTH CERT AND MY GRANDFATHERS MARRIAGE CERT.
Thirdly, the merchant navy paperwok from the national archives arrived this morning, and where in fact it did say at first that the DOB was22nd Jan 1927, on the actual paperwork it did in fact have the date of birth as being the 22nd of June 1927 Cardiff so everything has fallen into place.
Along with the merchant Navy papers etc was a photograph of my father on his id book. It is the first photo I have ever seen of him and an unbelievable feeling came over me. Difficult to explain. But I know what is not difficult to explain, and that is my gratitude to all of you that have taken time out to help me to get to this point. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all very much.
I am going away on holiday as of the 22nd may for 2 weeks, but when I get back, I would like to see if I can find out anymore info on where my father is/has been since his departure from my life and would greatly welcome any help from you kind people. Once again Thank you all very much.
For now Phil Thompson


PHILIP Report 18 Apr 2011 22:23

just sent off for the marriage certificate
and I also think that the 22nd JAN AND 22ND JUNE are perhaps more than coincidental.


JaneyCanuck Report 18 Apr 2011 22:01

Got ya -- I was the one disregarding the double N you'd shown in Winnifred, and I suspect the certificate for that RJT is missing its S on Owens, is what I was getting at.

I haven't identified deaths for the spouses; without ages it's a little impossible. The marriage certificate would help all round.


PHILIP Report 18 Apr 2011 21:49

sounds good I'll check that one through.
I am only giving the information I have written down on certificates and it was Winnifred (2 Ns and Owen no S)
thanks! and sorry if I am a little slow in coming forward.


JaneyCanuck Report 18 Apr 2011 21:37

There are six Thompson-OwenS births in Cardiff -- 1925, 1929, 1930, 1932, 1938, 1942, one of whom is Winifred.

A 1927 birth would fit well in that sequence.


JaneyCanuck Report 18 Apr 2011 21:31

Pardon me -- you said two Ns in Winnifred -- and you need an S on Owens:

Name: Winnifred M Owens
Spouse : John H Thompson
Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1925
Registration district: Cardiff
Registration county (inferred): Glamorgan
Volume Number: 11a
Page Number: 789

Just think ... if you'd told us the mother's name way back on page 1 ...

There are multiple John Harold Thompson births who *could* be that John H Thompson. The marriage certificate would clear it up.


JaneyCanuck Report 18 Apr 2011 21:27

The record Paul gave:

Medal listing of Thompson, Ronald John
Discharge number: R271729
Date 22 June 1927
Series Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Database of World War II Medals issued to Merchant Seamen

Surely Jan must be a misreading of Jun somewhere!

So the parents on the birth cert you have are neither
John H Thompson + Emmie E H Owen, 1924 Burton Staffs
Harold Thompson + Gwladys G P Owen 1925 Southwark Surrey

The only marriage of a Winifred Owen to a Thompson is:

Name: Winifred H Owen
Spouse: Walter H Thompson
Date of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1941
Registration district: Hitchin
Registration county (inferred): Hertfordshire
Volume Number: 3a
Page Number: 3541

Could he be Walter Harold?

"Is there anywhere else I should be looking for birth registries?"

Such as ...?

You seem to think someone has a special magic closet of birth records they're not revealing! if Scottish

If Irish, Canadian, USAmerican ... birth records not available, although the 1930 US census is searchable at Ancestry.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 18 Apr 2011 20:42

I wonder if somewhere along the way 22 Jan...and.. 22 Jun got mixed up ?

Easy to do, when copying information down.



PHILIP Report 18 Apr 2011 20:30

The birth cert I have of fathers name Harold, the Mothers name is Winnifred Thompson formerly Owen. Thats for Ronald John Thompson d.o.b.22nd June 1927.(CARDIFF)
The National Archives Merchant service record that I am waiting for is for a Ronald John Thompson d.o.b. 22nd January 1927 (CARDIFF)
To make things more confusing, of all the birth certs I have there is none for January 22nd 1927 available from the records on the GRO LIST OF BIRTHS. Is there anywhere else I should be looking for birth registries?


JaneyCanuck Report 16 Apr 2011 17:20

The merchant seaman record is a perfect match for the birth certificate Philip has showing father Harold:

Ronald John Thompson Born 22nd June 1927 30a Cowbridge road, Cardiff.

There is certainly a very strong likelihood that this is the man.


JaneyCanuck Report 16 Apr 2011 17:08

Gwladys G P Owen + Harold Thompson Oct-Nov-Dec 1925 Southwark Surrey

still seems to me like a more probable couple for the parents of the Cardiff RJT:

So likely the mother of the Cardiff RJT:

Name: Gwendoline Gwladys P Thompson
Birth Date: 24 Jul 1894
Death Registration Month/Year: 1972
Registration district: Southend On Sea
Inferred County: Essex
Volume: 4a
Page: 2572

Can't identify father Harold's death.

-- Philip, you have the birth cert of RJT son of Harold -- who was the mother?? Guesswork is pointless when you have the info.

I am still extremely curious about Eric RJ Thompson of whom there is no record after his birth, and whose parents were a rather odd couple, and the Alfred WJ Thompson of an age to be their son / his brother who married and died but was never born ...


HeadStone Report 16 Apr 2011 16:48

Found this on the National Archive website.
Name matches but cannot work out if the date is date of birth or of discharge?

Image details

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Medal listing of Thompson, Ronald John
Discharge number: R271729
Date 22 June 1927
Catalogue reference BT 395/1links to the Catalogue
Dept Records of the Board of Trade and of successor and related bodies
Series Registry of Shipping and Seamen: Database of World War II Medals issued to Merchant Seamen
Piece Database of World War II medals issued to merchant seamen
Image contains 1 medal listing of many for this collection

Number of image files: 1
Image Reference

Format and Version

Part Number

Size (KB)

Number of Pages

Price (£)
91605 / 7614 PDF 1.2 1 65 1 3.50
Total Price (£) 3.50
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Must be date of birth because it mentions WW2 medal.


JaneyCanuck Report 16 Apr 2011 16:34

I wouldn't presume that his name was John Henry. ;) People made up things for their marriage certificates all the time. Up to and including their own names.


Janet Report 16 Apr 2011 16:16

whilst your relatives name was John Henry, please don't presume that he was called John. It just doesn't work that way.....oh that it would.
I believed for many a year that Harry was a shortened version of (only) Henry. My father was called Harold and whilst he was never referred to as Harry I have in more recent years heard of it.
There is no difference from Baz being short for Basil or Barrie, Des being short for Desmond or Dennis....and I have really known these examples. Even if you think I am wide of the mark, please consider. -jl


HeadStone Report 16 Apr 2011 15:44

Hello Philip,

The address is the old St David's Hospital. So the birth in 1927 was while it was still the Union Workhouse.
Archive Wales may be able to help you.

"The Cardiff Union Workhouse, Cowbridge Road, Canton, was opened in 1839 and almost entirely rebuilt in 1880-1881. In 1930 the running of the workhouse was transferred from the Board of Guardians to the Public Assistance Committee of Cardiff County Council. It became St. David's hospital under the NHS in 1948. All that remains of the building now is the facade which has been listed. A new hospital has been built on part of the site with the rest being developed for private homes."


PHILIP Report 16 Apr 2011 14:42


The witnesses to the marriage were my grandparents Mr A C Flook and Mrs D A Flook


PHILIP Report 16 Apr 2011 14:37


Another good thought, but his fathers name was John Henry and I think Harold seems a big error to make, but I see where you're coming from.