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Adoption Mystery

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Mike *

Mike * Report 23 Mar 2011 22:29

What age was he on 1911 census ?

Choice of 3

Births Mar 1899
Bamforth Harold - Huddersfield 9a 335

Births Sep 1899
Bamforth Harry Elijah - Huddersfield 9a 263

Births Mar 1900 ............(possibly born late 1899)
Bamforth Harry - Huddersfield 9a 260


Flick Report 23 Mar 2011 22:29

1901 for INFO

Name: Harry D Bamforth
Age: 2
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1899
Relation: Son
Father's Name: Joe Bamforth
Mother's Name: Emily Bamforth
Gender: Male
Where born: Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England

Civil parish: Huddersfield
Ecclesiastical parish: St John
County/Island: Yorkshire
Country: England

Registration district: Huddersfield
Sub-registration district: Huddersfield
ED, institution, or vessel: 28
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 82
Household Members: Name Age
Joe Bamforth 24
Emily Bamforth 34
Harry D Bamforth 2
Emily Bamforth 11 Months


AnnCardiff Report 23 Mar 2011 22:29

Harry D Bamforth
England and Wales Census, 1901
birth: 1899 — Huddersfield, Yorkshire
residence: 31 Mar 1901 — Huddersfield, Yorkshire (West Riding), England

record title: England and Wales Census, 1901
name: Harry D Bamforth
event: Census
event date: 31 Mar 1901
age: 2
relationship to head of household: Son
birthplace: Huddersfield, Yorkshire
record type: Household
registration district: Huddersfield
sub-district: Huddersfield
ecclesiastical parish: St John
civil parish: Huddersfield
county: Huddersfield, Huddersfield, Huddersfield, Yorkshire (West Riding)


Flick Report 23 Mar 2011 22:24

When was his birth registered? Did he have more than one forename?


KathleenBell Report 23 Mar 2011 22:23

Official adoption didn't start until 1927 so anything before that would be classed as an informal arrangement with no records kept.

There was actually a case similar to this on today's "Heir Hunters" programme. The adoptive family had a letter written by the child's mother giving up all rights to the child and handing her over to the adoptive parents. This letter was arranged and signed at a solicitors office. However the courts would still not recognise this as an "official" adoption because no such thing existed at that time.

Kath. x


Flick Report 23 Mar 2011 22:22

Adoption wasn't a legal procedure until the 1920's..............and records are not publicly available,


brummiejan Report 23 Mar 2011 22:22

There were no official adoptions until 1927 or so. Have you looked for a marriage for him? You don't say, but I assume he adopted the Bull name at some point? Do you know if he had a second name?


Suzanne Report 23 Mar 2011 22:18

Hello there, I'm trying to track down Harry Bamforth born in 1899 in Huddersfield. I found him on the 1901 census with his parents and sibling but he was adopted at some point by my Great Grandparents. He appears on the 1911 census and is listed as Harry Bamforth - adoptive son, still under his own name and not Bull. Unfortunately my Grandma would never really talk about Harry (she really didn't like him) so neither me nor my parents/uncle know anything more than this, other than he had a son named Gerald at some point. Can anyone give me advice on how I go about solving this little mystery? Is it possible to access adoption records from this period in time, if such a thing exists?
Thanks in advance