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FannyByGaslight Report 19 Apr 2009 19:30

Enid blyton

Posted by Last Reply Alert
Ricochet Yesterday at 22:30 Request review

Another thread deleted with no thanks for info's getting to be an epidemic
۩ Lindsey Yesterday at 23:11 Request review

Am I bovvered ? Nah ! Surely you don't expect thankyous in this day and age, of those that do reply ,about 5% say ta .Don't hold your breath !

Ricochet Yesterday at 23:20 Request review

I suppose I shouldn't expect other people to behave as I would....................but hope springs eternal!!!!!
Ann of Green Gables Yesterday at 23:23 Request review

no one is looking for effusive gratitude, just an acknowledgement would suffice but some people are just so rude

fortunately the large majority are good eggs!!!!
۩ Lindsey Yesterday at 23:29 Request review

I absolutely expect nobody to behave like me ! I've made a career of being a loose cannon !
Andrew Yesterday at 23:29 Request review

If people don't respond to info posted, its their problem not mine. Quite frequently I'll only post exactly whats asked for and not other info found. Its the OP who misses out.

lancashireann Yesterday at 23:41 Request review

the ones that really frustrate me are not so much those that don't say thank you but the ones who never seem to acknowledge in any way that they have read the information that they have been given.

As you say Ann the majority are good eggs - often thanks are given by a pm so nobody else sees them
۩ Lindsey Yesterday at 23:56 Request review

I dont mind that so much, it's the phantom deleters that get my goat, to me that's the height of rudeness. after everyone's hard work, just very ungrateful'

I find at my age a well placed swear word carries more gravitas, people just dont expect it from a sweet old lady like me !


FannyByGaslight Report 19 Apr 2009 19:32



Gee Report 19 Apr 2009 19:41

The majority of people on GR are brilliant, I've had so much help (thank you Ann of G G and many others too) but there are the odd few that seem to take a different slant sometimes - clique's

Dont worry if people dont acknowledge, I know it might seem rude but compared to the many that do it's not too bad.

What goes around comes around!

keep up the good work all you very helpful helpers



Ricochet Report 19 Apr 2009 19:48

I deleted because I felt the the thread had run its course......and I wasn't asking for people to put themselves out to find info for me.

My 'gripe' is with those who ask for help, are given the help they want, then delete without saying that they have seen it.


Gee Report 19 Apr 2009 19:48

Just a thought, why do people delete threads - genuine question


FannyByGaslight Report 19 Apr 2009 19:49

The fact is that in a PM from the lady who deleted, the reason that she deleted was because Ricochet scares the pants off her with his abruptness,and ricochet has now answered her 3 posts each time and each time been the same.
I have seen them myself to know this is pretty much true.

So why have you deleted your thread on people deleting their threads Ricochet???


FannyByGaslight Report 19 Apr 2009 19:58

Does it not say that you and others get the goat because people delete, and yet YOU can do it and not be called out on it??
Well I think not this time.
If I see you complain one more time about deletd threads I will put this up again ,it truly takes a lot to make me cross but that did.

And if you can complain about something on these boards why shouldnt I??


Gee Report 19 Apr 2009 19:59

can anyone answer why people delete. I deleted once because I realsied mt stupid mistake about sensative data that I sent..oops


Ricochet Report 19 Apr 2009 20:00

I have already replied.....................Viv........ you keep copies of EVERY thread to which you contribute?

Or only the ones you wish to use as 'ammunition'?

Was suggesting that she googled so incredibly wrong...........

I also posted a considerable amount of info, which she chose not to acknowledge.


Ricochet Report 19 Apr 2009 20:01


If you added sensitive info by mistake, you were absolutely right to delete.....don't get hung up about it.


Gee Report 19 Apr 2009 20:01

Ricochet was that aimed at me? I'm hoping not so



Gee Report 19 Apr 2009 20:02

threads're too quick!


FannyByGaslight Report 19 Apr 2009 20:06

SHE the cats mother?
KATIE did acknowledge you I saw it.
and no that was the only one I have copied because I wanted to let her know how much she had upset you by deleting
before you deleted it because I knew you would
I rest my case.


FannyByGaslight Report 19 Apr 2009 20:10

And now you really show your childish bulling tacticts Ricochet

I have already replied.....................Viv........ you keep copies of EVERY thread to which you contribute?


Katie Report 19 Apr 2009 20:26

It is SHE the one who dared delete.
I guess i should defend myself and not leave that to Viv , who might i add, has selflessly helped and supported me throughout my search for my adoptive family.

Firstly, i have been known to ask some 'obvious' questions - in my defence this process is new to me and many many others, so i made mistakes for that i'm sorry.

secondly, i have printed off all the support i've received from everyone , including Ricochet, and i have thanked all of you over and over because i've read the threads that say we newbie's upset you by not being grateful.

Thirdly - I deleted because Ricochet gave me great info which i thanked him for and then Viv supported me , as usual. SO i thought why make these kind people use their skills and time helping me when i had what i needed from Ricochet and Viv, so i deleted so as not to waste your time.

This will make me think twice about using 'community' again as i've felt belittled by some which sadly over rides the kindness of others, i hope no one else is made to feel so uncomfortable.



FannyByGaslight Report 19 Apr 2009 20:55

Thank you for your lovely reply to my stupid angry thread,
I have now crumpled into a heap on the floor, as I am overwhelmed by your thanks on the little I have done to to find your birth family ,and realised that crumpling into a happy heap is so much better than crumpling into an angry heap
Still not going to do the cardinal sin of crumpling under pressure and DELETING though.
This thread can run as many courses as it wants.


Lindsey* Report 19 Apr 2009 21:27

Oh bugger !


Gee Report 19 Apr 2009 22:04

Soz going to bed as got uni students tomorrow and need some sleep. BUT can anyone answer my question...why delete a post?


Cynthia Report 19 Apr 2009 22:30

I saw the post re Enid Blyton last night and had just typed a reply to say what happy memories it evoked - and there it was gone! My reply was of no consequence so it wasn't a problem. It was just about the Famous Five and those delicious tomato sandwiches!

I think Ginny, that some folk delete their threads when the replies to their questions stop coming in. I have deleted some in the past in a sort of 'tidying up my threads' attitude, but rarely bother now. Others obviously delete for other reasons.

I don't want to get involved in the 'who thanked whom for what' debate, but I really don't think that GR make it easy for new folk who have little experience of the workings of this site.


Katie Report 19 Apr 2009 22:37

Hi Cynthia ,
I wanted to reply to you to say , i'm sorry i deleted the thread before i read your reply i really would of been very interested, but as i wrote above -

I deleted the thread because i thought i was helping save peoples time because i had enough information for my daughters project. The last thing i wanted was for people to look up info for me when i had enough.
Why isn't that considered helpful ? I really don't understand.

But , genuinely thankyou for your interest and comments.
